Civic Projects
Because we care about our Boulder County and Longmont communities, Hoe and Hope members give of their time and gardening talents by working on these civic projects. We encourage every member to sign up for one or more of these projects.
This year we continue with the following projects:
Central Elementary – Robin Ecklund & Sally Bootz
Roger’s Grove Pollinator Garden – Jan Byers OUR Center – Dudley McBride
Roosevelt Rose Garden – Mary Polk
The Longmont Library presents its Annual Garden Fair Sunday, Feb 23, 1-4 pm
Suzanne , Robin and Mary have hosted the Hoe & Hope table in the past. We are looking for volunteers for this year’s event. Mary had a great time at last year’s fair. Hoe & Hope had a nice display last year and have several new members as a result. 4-6 volunteers are needed for this year’s table. You can stay for all or part of the 3-hour fair. Robin & Mary will be doing it again this year. Volunteers at our display will answer general questions about the club and gardening. Generally, it’s just talking to people who stop over to see what we’re all about. Please let Mary or Robin know if you can help out with the Fair.
Library Case Displays during March
Hoe and Hope will be in charge of two display cases on the second floor near the reference desk. The cases will hold our display from March 1st-March 31st. Bev Schrenk has a committee of seven people that are helping with this this project. If you’d like to help or participate, please get in touch with Bev. Be sure to stop by the library to see the displays and let Bev and her team know how much we appreciate their handiwork!
OUR Center- planting vegetables, tending beds, and harvesting throughout the season
Central Elementary – maintaining flower beds
Roger’s Grove – weeding and clearing out very weeds beds
Rose Garden- continuing to weed and prune roses Hoe & Hope received the Partner of the Year award in recognition of incredible contributions and dedication from Parks and Natural Resources, City of Longmont.
Plumbumpy Farm – Planting garlic
OUR Center, Central Elementary , Roger’s Grove, Rose Garden
2020-2019 – Callahan House, the OUR Center, the Rose Garden and a brand new project at Central Elementary School – planting a new flower bed
Wild Plum Early Learning Center – Birdhouse were painted by Hoe & Hope members to be auctioned off by the Wild Plum so kids on the waiting list could attend school.
Rocky Mountain National Park – transplanted little seedlings in individual pots. These seedling will grow big enough to plant in various areas in the park.
The Sandstone Ranch- planting perennials
OUR Center – planted tomatoes and other warm season plants in their vegatable garden. And weeding, harvesting, and cleaning beds in fall.
Callahan House – clean up and repair of the gardens .
Growing Gardens in Boulder – planting many flats of seeds
Sandstone Ranch – flower beds surrounding the house and adjacent to the house were cleared of old foliage. The xeriscape garden under went a spring cleaning and part of the lawn was raked.
2017 RMNP- transplanted 600 Deschampsia cespitosa seedlings (aka grass seedlings) which will eventually be planted at a disturbed area at Sprague Lake.
Callahan House – cleanup of garden beds
Rocky Mountain National Park – over 450 seedling pines were transplanted to larger pots. These young tree will continue their growth for another couple of years before being planted in the park.
Rocky Mountain National Park Greenhouse – organized many greenhouse pots and flats.
Sandstone Ranch – annual clean-up and green-up
The results of our fall bulb planting at Old Mill Park!
Senior Center – Each month Hoe and Hope members get together to create floral centerpieces for the clients of Meals on Wheels to enjoy at their daily luncheons.
Old Mill Park – Over 400 spring blooming bulbs were planted by Hoe and Hope members!
Rocky Mountain National Park- The task for the day was transplanting seedlings for the re-vegetation of Bear Lake Road.