President’s Message


President’s Message June 2024

It was November when I moved to CT from Boston and I was so excited to start working in my new beds come spring. I wasn’t sure what perennials would be coming up, but I could at least weed. A couple weeks later I realized some of the “weeds” were Forget-Me-Nots (new to me). Fortunately (?) my weeding was so poorly done that there were tons of over-looked Forget-Me-Nots blooming. Because they self-seed, I enjoyed them every spring for the 21 yrs. we lived there and imagine my total delight when they appeared in my garden the first spring we were in CO. I love everything that blooms in the spring – the Tulips & Daffodils, the Columbine, the fragrant Lilacs & Lily of the Valley, and my new Serviceberry, but those tiny blue flowers will always be my favorite. 

May’s meeting is probably one of the most fun meetings we have all year. I mean, what gardener doesn’t want free plants and when Robin calls that first group number, it’s like bridal day at Filene’s Basement. Be ready to run. (apologies to you non-New England people who have no clue what that meant). I hope all of you that participated went home with some great plants and they have found the perfect spot in your gardens. And thanks to JoAnn Dinser for allowing us to once again descend on her home/yard. 

Thank you to the couple of people who replied to the April meeting’s questionnaire. If you’d still like to fill one in, please do go ahead as there’s no time limit and if you’ve misplaced it, just lmk and I’ll email it to you. 

June’s meeting details are included in the newsletter. If you grow lovely flowers, can arrange flowers, or just love seeing either of these, this is your meeting! 

June is Pollinator Month – get out there and plant some flowers! 
