President’s Message


President’s Message January 2025

 It’s January and my tools are not sharpened and put away. My seeds are not inventoried and filed alphabetically in a cool dry place. There are even some daffodil and tulip bulbs I couldn’t resist buying in the Fall that are waiting to be planted. So, while the 2024 gardening season is not quite put to bed in my house, Hoe & Hope is ready to start the new year. 

Connie and I will serve as co-presidents. That’s not quite two for the price of one but Connie’s continued leadership role will serve us well. Jan Byers, the new VP and Program Committee Chair met with her committee in Decem-ber and planned a great year of programs you will hear about at the January 22nd meeting. I know I am looking forward to a program titled “Wiggle Your Way Into Better Gardening” in January and hope that brings you out too. 

Our other committees are in good shape but there are plenty of opportuni-ties to participate. If you were not at the November meeting to check out the sign-up sheets or were just thinking about what you could do this year here is a list of committees and activities still in need of your help. 

Longmont Library Garden Fair, February 23rd. H&H will set up a table with members answering questions in shifts of 1-3 hours, whatever works for you. Sign-up at the January meeting. 

Field Trips. Karen Sebastian and Marsh Ray are stepping down after two years. Our field trips have been a big part of the club so let’s keep that going. This committee needs 1 or 2 members. 

Flower Show. The flower show is in June. Sandy Knapmiller has kindly volunteered to coordinate this and could use a second person. 

Fundraising. This committee did not have a chair in 2024. The club made up for it with individuals from Ellen Beery’s native plant sale to Debbie Arnold’s High Tea to the jam, honey, cookie baking, tote bag sales members offered. Let’s get a chairperson to continue these efforts. Fundraising supports our scholarships. 

Hospitality. Linda Belz will continue as chair. Please sign up to bring a snack and help with setting up the meeting and cleaning up after. It’s a great way to contribute and is a one time commitment. 

Nominating. This is the best kept secret and most fun committee to be on. Suzanne Drinkard finally decided to give it up after several years and Sally Bootz leaped at the chance to recruit officers and board members for next year. Jump on this before it’s filled. 

And last, consider working on one of our Civic Projects. We have active groups at Central Elementary School, the Our Center, the Roosevelt Rose Garden and the new Rogers Grove Pollinator Garden. You can volunteer weekly or just come out one day to see what is happening. Gardeners are doers and I know you won’t be able to resist getting your hands dirty. Now back to those bulbs…
